Folkestone a "Quality Council"

Folkestone Town Council has been notified by the Director of the Kent Association of Parish Councils that the Town Council has received a "Quality" Status Award.
The Quality Parish and Town Council scheme was launched in June 2003. The scheme was designed to provide a benchmark minimum standards for parish and town councils and enable them to better represent the communities they serve.
In order to achieve Quality status, parish and town councils must demonstrate that they have reached the standard required by passing several tests. These tests as summarised below:
- Electoral Mandate
- Qualifications of the Clerk
- Council Meetings
- Communications
- Annual Report
- Accounts
- Code of Conduct
As of 6th December, there were 361 Quality Status parish and town councils in England and Wales. In Kent, Folkestone now joins Edenbridge, Sandwich, Sevenoaks and Swanley as town councils holding Quality status.
In a letter to all Folkestone Town Councillors, Folkestone Town Clerk Lol Avory said:
"This is a significant achievement for the Council, which has only been up and running for two years and reflects all the hard work from both members and officers alike throughout this period.
"On behalf of our small, well qualified officer team, I would like to thank all Councillors for their fantastic support in establishing sound practices, procedures and financial controls and look forward jointly to agreeing service charters with the principal Councils over the next few months."
The newest Folkestone Town Councillor, Tim Prater, congratulated the Council on the Quality Status. he said:
"Quality Status is an important recognition that Folkestone Town Council Council is meeting key benchmarks. the vast majority of town and parish councils do not have 'Quality' status, and it's hugely to the credit of all Council staff and Councillors that this has been achieved.
"This award also marks a real chance to get more local services run from Folkestone, by Folkestone, for Folkestone. The government itself says of Quality status that 'Principal local authorities be confident that the Quality Parish Councils within their areas are worthy partners, which in turn should instil faith in these councils' capacity to undertake an enhanced role for the benefit of their communities.'"

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