Folkestone and Hythe Labour Candidate admits "an unmitigated failure of the 1st order"
The Labour prospective Candidate for Folkestone and Hythe, Donald Worsley, has slammed his Party's leadership in the face of what he called "an unmitigated failure" for his Party in the June elections in Kent.
in an article for the Romney Marsh Times (you can read the article in full at, Donald Worsley lays the blame on the Labour Government for breaking promises to the electorate and failing to be open with the public on Europe. He says:
"Top of the reasons for the euro [election] disaster must surely be the Government's failure to honour it's Manifesto pledge to call a referendum on a New European Treaty. Such serious pledges once given must never be denied.
"Next the failure by both the Government and the Party to explain adequately the advantages of being in the EU; from the freedom to travel and work in the EU without hindrance, to the need to cooperate throughout Europe to combat terrorism, meet the challenges from Global Warming and solve the banking crisis."
in Kent, Mr Worsley said the results "across the whole of Kent was an unmitigated failure of the 1st order. That Labour's share of the vote in Shepway was only 6 per cent even more so." and laid the blame at the door of the Labour Government. He added:
"Unemployment, the credit crisis and MP's fiddling their expenses undoubtedly contributed to Labour's worst result for a generation but perhaps the new divide between those who rule us and those who are ruled contributed more so. Prosecuting benefit cheats when no MP was expelled or sent to prison for claiming for duck houses or garden maintenance was an outrage to those struggling to live on JSA.
"And seeing billions pumped into the Banks while bankers were still haggling over their huge bonuses or retirement pensions was a red rag to every worker fearing for their job or seeing their company pension savaged by the stock market fall."

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