Folkestone Harbour Development Consultation
The Folkestone Harbour Company has announced the timetable for its community consultation that will help inform a new approach to develop Folkestone Harbour and seafront.
Public consultations will take place in May and June on proposals that have been put forward by Sir Terry Farrell, one of Britain's leading architects. Public meetings will be held at Quarterhouse, 45 Tontine Street, Folkestone, on the following dates: Tuesdays 18 and 25 May at 7pm; Thursday 3 June at 2pm (spring bank holiday week): Monday 14 June at 7pm; and Saturday 26 June at 11am. Places at each presentation are free but must be reserved by telephoning the box office at Quarterhouse on 01303 858500 (answer phone out of hours) or by emailing
A public exhibition will be held at 3 - 7 Tontine Street, which is within view of part of the proposed site, beginning on Wednesday 26 May and continuing until Wednesday 9 June, open from 10am - 4pm each day. Local schools will be invited to take part in the consultation through events organised in conjunction with individual schools. An online summary of the proposed approach will also be available for consultation from mid May at There will be opportunities to offer feedback at all stages of the consultation.
Folkestone Harbour Company spokesman Trevor Minter said: "This process will offer local people opportunities to hear about the new approach that Sir Terry Farrell is advocating. We are keen to receive feedback, and people will have a chance to put forward their ideas for development of the public areas."
Sir Terry Farrell was commissioned by Kent County Council to draw up a 20-year vision for Kent encompassing regeneration, transport, housing, landscape and economic growth, and presented his proposals at a series of events around Kent in January 2010. Sir Terry's work in Folkestone has been commissioned directly by The Folkestone Harbour Company.

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