Folkestone Harbour Market relaunch as Monthly Arts, Crafts & Food Fair
The Creative Foundation is re-launching the Harbour Market as the Folkestone Arts, Crafts & Food Fair on Sunday 2nd May 2010, with a strong emphasis on quality goods, excellent atmosphere and local promotion.
The Creative Foundation is happy to take applications from all creative and food businesses - for example if a restaurant wants to come and do tasters to promote their business, they would be happy to welcome that as well as local arts and crafts people.
For a limited period the Creative Foundation is offering a reduced cost of £10.00 per stall which will be payable in cash on the day. The markets will happen on the following dates, 10am to 4pm:
Sunday 2nd May; Sunday 6th June; Sunday 4th July; Sunday 1st August; Sunday 5th September and Sunday 3rd October.
Stalls will be allocated on an application basis. Please contact for the application form - she will then let people know if they have been successful by Friday 23rd April.

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