Folkestone Harbour to Welcome 'HMS' Pickle

A replica of the schooner 'HMS' Pickle will visit Folkestone Harbour as a part of a UK Tour from May to September celebrating the Bicentenary year of Britain's victory at the Battle of Trafalgar and Lord Nelson's death during the battle. Folkestone will form a key part of the tour hosting 'HMS' Pickle and the Pickle Exhibition from 31 August to 5 September.
The original HMS Pickle was the fast ship that brought the news of the victory at Trafalgar and at the same time the news of the death of Admiral Lord Nelson to England in November 1805.
The charity organising the tour (Ocean Youth Trust-East) is looking for people of all ages to come and experience sailing the replica 'HMS' Pickle around the UK this summer. You can be an individual, a couple, a family, or part of a social group or a club.
A travelling exhibition centre will accompany the 'HMS' Pickle on her Nelson Tour of UK ports. The exhibition will tell Pickles story and be of interest to both adults and children. While in port Pickle will be open to the public to come aboard and explore.
Hawkinge Councillor Peter Smith is delighted that the ship is visiting Folkestone as a real boost to tourism in the area. We is urging local people to get involved, and to apply to sail the ship itself on one of the legs of its tour. Peter says:
"It is an amazing opportunity to take part in celebrating this great historical event, so step back in time and come and learn the ropes on a traditional tall ship, an opportunity not to be missed!"

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