Folkestone Mains Pipe Upgrading: Guildhall Street North, Copthall Gardens, Lucy Avenue and Linden Crescent
Veolia Water Southeast have notified of three schemes for the upgrading of mains pipes are scheduled for the coming months and each should take about 4 - 6 weeks to complete. They are:
- Guildhall Street North and Copthall Gardens: commences mid September
- Lucy Avenue: commences mid October
- Linden Crescent: commences late November
These works are part of a rolling programme to maintain and improve the mains network in the area.
In undertaking mains replacement Veolia say will keep any disruption to the minimum but temporary traffic lights or control by stop/go lollipop signs will be needed to allow the work to be completed in safety. High safety standards will be maintained with barriers and prominent warnings. Letters will be sent in advance to residents who will be affected directly. Special arrangements for schools, businesses and other organisations will also be made. A customer services helpline is available on 0845 888 5 888.

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