Folkestone MP Collins Tops Kent Expenses List
Local press reports have unearthed that Folkestone and Hythe MP Damian Collins claimed £38,276 expenses in ONE year. Those claims make Damian Collins the highest-claiming MP in Kent and amongst the highest claiming MPs in the the country.
Lib Dem Folkestone West County Councillor Tim Prater commented:
"It's incredible that an MP can claim £1,854 a month in London living expenses, yet live in a constituency that is under an hour by train from London.
"Not only did Mr Collins Lib Dem opponent Lynne Beaumont promise not to claim expenses for a second home if elected at the 2010 General Election, Mr Collins neighbouring MP and colleague from Dover ALSO made that pledge, and DOES claims no living expenses. And it takes longer to get to London by train than it does from Folkestone!"
"I'd be interested to know what Damian Collins' explanation is for claiming the highest expenses of any MP in Kent. I can't think of any reason that holds water. In these 'difficult economic times' the most needy families in society have their total housing benefit capped at £400 a week - less than he claims for a 2nd home. Double standards at work?"
Lib Dem Tim Prater has been an elected County Councillor since 2009, and has claimed no travel or other expenses from Kent County Council since his election, making him one of few County Councillors not to claim. In 2010/11 (the last year for which expenses figures are available), the five Shepway Conservative County Councillors claimed over £8,000 in expenses between them. Tim Prater was amongst the 13 County Councillors not to make a claim in 2010/11.
Tim Prater commented:
"I think that the allowances given to County Councillors should cover the costs of doing their job as a representative. That includes going to meetings - and therefore travel. To charge travel and accommodation on top of that at up to 45p a mile seems to me an unreasonable expense to the tax payer."

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