Folkestone Multi Cultural Festival 2010 - 4 Days of Fun!

When we stepped up onto the stage in the precinct to open the Multi-Cultural Festival, I wondered if we had got the time wrong! There were only a people were there to hear the opening speech and to be informed about what was to come during the 4 days of the Folkestone Multi-Cultural Festival. Happily, the town centre soon filled up and the excellent brochure gave all the information that was necessary - and people very much enjoyed the main events!
We are so fortunate in Folkestone to have a mix of cultures which merge and integrate with much to teach us all. Dancers from Japan, food from Nepal and singers from Britain were only three of the free features in the weekend's entertainment. Amongst the huge range of events on offer, I got to enjoy watching belly dancers performing in the Town Centre, and then had a go at writing my name in Japanese characters - not easy!
Various charities and services were present, giving everyone the opportunity to grasp new knowledge and contribute to the vibrant activities available in Folkestone.

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