Folkestone Park by-elections called for 22nd November: It’s Lynne or the Conservatives this time

It's either going to be Lynne or yet another Conservative. Analysis of the results of the most recent polls in Folkestone Park make it clear that only Lib Dem candidate Lynne Beaumont can beat the Conservatives in Park.
Less people voted for the Conservatives than the other candidates combined. But the split opposition vote in May 2011 allowed the Conservatives to win all seats in Park ward.
Lynne Beaumont says:
"It's clear that the majority of people in Park didn't want a Conservative Councillor last time, but due to the split in the opposition vote, that's what they got.
"It's a clear choice.
"If you want yet another Conservative Councillor to support on-street parking charges and Nuclear Dump consultations vote Conservative.
"But if you want to see a strong voice on the Council to speak up for you and has the Council and campaign experience to stand up for Folkestone then only I can beat the Conservatives.
"Your vote could make all the difference.
"A vote for Labour, UKIP, People First or an Independent candidate could split the vote and let the Conservatives win. If you don't want to see that happen this time, please back me to beat the Conservatives.
"This by-election sadly won't change who runs the Council.
"But a good Council needs a strong opposition. I can provide that. With your vote, I can speak up for you."
Need a Postal Vote for the elections on 22nd November? Call Shepway Council on 853497.

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