Folkestone Parking Poll Called
A Folkestone Parish Poll on Parking charges was set in motion on Thursday 3rd November at a Parish Meeting called and attended by Folkestone residents and chaired by ex-Labour Mayor John Stockham.
After the poll had been called by Mr Stockham, Liberal Democrat Darren Briddock proposed and had accepted a second question.
Darren Briddock said:
"The local Lib Dems have a record on fighting for fairer parking in this area for years and I wanted to ensure that local residents had the chance to get their views across."
Commenting on why he placed a second question to the people Darren said:
"My question assumes that Conservative Shepway District Council will ignore the wishes of local people and impose their scheme anyway so I'm giving residents the chance to have their say on how much it will cost us all"
Darren's question is:
"Do you agree that if the proposed Shepway District Council parking strategy is imposed on the residents of Folkestone that as a minimum Shepway District Council make available 1 free parking permit per residence and the 1st hour of a motorist's parking session at any on street pay and display spaces is free?"
The Folkestone poll is likely to be held on Thursday 4th December, but the date has to be confirmed by Shepway District Council. "Parish Polls" are designed to test opinion on matters controlled by Town or Parish Councils. These polls are not binding on Shepway District Council but will send a strong message on how local people view the proposed changes.
The polls will be open from 4pm - 9pm on the announced polling day.
Voting will be by attendance at your local polling station only. There are no postal votes or polling cards issued for Parish Polls. If you normally vote by post or proxy you must go to the polling station on this occasion to vote and have your view heard.

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