Folkestone Primary Academy Fete

It was to a packed field that I made an opening speech to welcome everyone and officially open the first ever Folkestone Primary Academy Fete. It was also a pleasure to congratulate Helen Tate on her recently awarded CBE in front of the parents and children who have benefited from her expertise.
It was so enjoyable to watch the dancers and performers on the central stage and also to share the fun of watching the children win tickets at skill activities around the field, which they then exchanged for prizes. The long queues at the quad bikes didn't stop the youngsters from joining the line and waiting for their turn.
Bouncy castles always attract the energetic ones and the food hall was constantly busy. The afternoon was completed by my undertaking of the prize-giving of the Grand Draw - I hope nobody saw the slight of hand in disregarding my own ticket when I pulled it out! The sunshine and the enthusiasm of the children made it a very enjoyable afternoon.

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