Folkestone Projects Head to Head for People's Millions
Today two Folkestone projects have gone head-to-head for a "People's Millions" award on ITV regional news. The voting numbers have now been announced for the two projects, with voting closing at midnight.
- To support the Brabner Close Park redevelopment, call 08702 433 601 before midnight 27 November.
- To support the Cool2B Fit project, call 08702 433 602 before midnight 27 November.
Viewers can vote for the project (as featured in the regional news programme) to which they think the Big Lottery Fund should award a single grant of up to £80,000.
Each day from 27/11/07 - 30/11/07, the project featured in the previous evening's ITV South East news programme that received the most votes will be the winner. The approved winning project from each region will be offered a grant of up to £80,000 by The Big Lottery Fund.
On Friday 30th November 2007 a further grant of up to £80,000 will be awarded to the South East project which received the most votes from all of the runners-up.
Maximum call charge 10p from a BT landline, calls from mobiles and other operators may be higher. Closing time midnight tonight. Calls made after closing time will not be counted but may still be charged. For terms and conditions visit Typetalk users should dial 18001 before the number they want to vote for.
- Brabner Close Park Redevelopment, Folkestone East Youth Council
A new park will be on the cards in Brabner Close if the Folkestone East Youth Council win their People's Millions battle. The group want to improve play equipment and facilities at the park and hope to encourage more youngsters to play football. They estimate around 300 to 400 locals would make use of the redeveloped facility.
To support the Brabner Close Park redevelopment, call 08702 433 601 before midnight 27 November.
- Cool 2B Fit, Folkestone Sports Centre Trust
The Folkestone Sports Centre aim to encourage young people to be more active through fun exercise. And if the public like them around 500 people will benefit from a fully inclusive dedicated toboggan slope and a young people's gym . The group would also start an after school club for children who do not take part in school sports.
To support the Cool"B Fit project, call 08702 433 602 before midnight 27 November.

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