Folkestone West Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) Extension to Include Turketel Road

Folkestone and Hythe Disitrct Council have published their decision to extend the Folkestone West CPZ in Turketel Road following requests to do so from Turketel Road residents and an informal consultation in which the majority of respondees backed the proposal.
This report sets out the findings of the recent informal public consultation for the proposed Folkestone West CPZ extension to include Turketel Road and makes recommendations to reflect the responses received. The detailed response analysis was also published.
1. To receive and note report C/23/26.
2. To agree to make the traffic regulation order to include Turketel Road in the Folkestone West CPZ
3. That the restrictions in Turketel Road replicate existing controls in the majority of roads within the Folkestone West CPZ i.e., permit holders only parking, Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays), 9am -11am.
4. That the fees for permits reflect those agreed by Cabinet in the current fees and charges schedule.
5. That the permit criteria replicate those of existing CPZs

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