Footpath Improvements on Horn Street, Folkestone: Temporary Traffic Lights from 17 September

Kent Highways have announced they are planning to improve the existing pedestrian facilities in Horn Street, Cheriton at the junction of Queens Avenue (private MOD road). The aim of the scheme is to improve the existing footways, enabling pedestrians and pupils from St Martins Primary School to cross Horn Street at a safer location.
The work includes the construction of short lengths of footway to the north and south of Queens Avenue. These will provide links to the existing footway up to the Lych Gate of St Martins Church and into Queens Avenue. Pedestrian crossing points with drop kerbs are also to be provided either side of Queens Avenue across Horn Street, and across the junction of Queens Avenue.
The access to the Lych Gate will also be kerbed, and will give a better definition to the edge of the road for both pedestrians and motorists.
The works will generally be carried out using three-way temporary traffic signals. The use of the signals however will be restricted to the hours of 0930 to 1500 to avoid congestion during peak hours and at school drop off/pick up times. Work will start during week commencing 17 September 2007, and take approximately 3 weeks to complete.

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