Former Labour MP quits for Lib Dems

Former Labour MP Brian Sedgemore, who is standing down at this election, is leaving Labour to join the Liberal Democrats.
Brian Sedgemore is a former journalist, civil servant and barrister. He was Labour MP for Luton West 1974-1979. He was then Labour MP for Hackney South & Shoreditch 1983 - 2005. He has been a long term supporter of the European Union, freedom of information and civil liberties. He was one of only five Labour MPs to vote with the Liberal Democrats on Maastricht. He also voted with the Liberal Democrats on jury trials, the 2005 and 2001 terrorism bills, ID cards, top up fees, the Iraq war and freedom of information. He was a Treasury Select Committee member from 1983 to 2001.
Charles Kennedy said:
"Over the course of the last Parliament Brian Sedgemore has voted with the Liberal Democrats on many of the big issues of the day - not just on Iraq, but also on foundation hospitals, top-up fees and antiterrorism laws.
"It is therefore not surprising that he finds himself at this election in greater sympathy with Liberal Democrat policies rather than those of Tony Blair's Labour Party.
"Brian Sedgemore's message for other people who are considering voting Labour but who are unhappy with the Party's policies on Iraq, tuition fees and civil liberties is clear. At this election the only Party which has taken principled stands on these issues is the Liberal Democrats. They should follow their beliefs and vote Liberal Democrats - certain in the knowledge that however they vote, Michael Howard's Conservatives cannot win this election."

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