From "Your Shepway": It's bin a very dirty protest
Folkestone councillors have taken to the streets in an attempt to shame Shepway District Council about the state of litter bins in Folkestone.
Lib Dem Town councillors Maggie Barrett, Tim Prater and Emily Sanger, as well as People First councillor Janet Andrews spent their lunchtime on Tuesday last week scrubbing the steel bins in Sandgate Road which allegedly have barely been cleaned since they were installed.
Cheriton Cllr Tim Prater said:
"It's all very well for Shepway to put up signs asking people to keep Folkestone tidy - the council needs to set an example and they are failing to do so."
The councillors were thanked for their work by passers-by as they scrubbed the bins clean of the accumulated grime, cigarette ash and stickers.
"It is a disgrace how dirty these bins had become," said Cllr Prater. "It has been years since they were cleaned properly.
"People from across the town, from residents to councillors and many others, have been saying how bad they looked."

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