Fuller backs London Citizens' Zimbabwean action day

Folkestone Councillor Gary Fuller is backing a march in London on Friday which is calling for the liberation of Zimbabweans in the UK from the limbo in which thousands currently find themselves restricted by law from being able to work in the UK.
Gary said:
"I've long opposed the policy of forcing asylum claimants to live on handouts.
"For the government to be inflicting this kind of suffering on Zimbabweans who have suffered so much under Mugabe goes beyond intolerable; especially given the criticism it has levelled at his regime in recent months."
A recent report in the Independent commented:
"The British Government faces growing pressure to allow Zimbabweans living in exile in the UK the right to work, as those with failed asylum cases are forced to live in a poverty-stricken state of limbo.
"All deportations to Zimbabwe have been on hold while the violence continues there, leaving thousands whose claims have been rejected choosing to stay in the UK in destitution rather than return. Unable to work or claim benefits, they have escaped Robert Mugabe's clutches only to find themselves living a life of poverty in Britain.
"Now the Independent Asylum Commission - the impartial body analysing the UK asylum system - has demanded that the Government show compassion."
Jason Alden, The Independent, Sunday, 6 July 2008 - http://tinyurl.com/5upf6h
As part of the Strangers into Citizens Campaign, London Citizens members will join Faith leaders, MPs and UK Zimbabweans to call for the right to work and training for Zimbabwean exiles in the UK.
The action day timetable for Friday 11th July will be:
- 11:30am Meet at St Margaret's Church, Westminster Abbey
- 12:00pm Service led by Archbishop of York, John Sentamu
- 1:30pm: Rally and walk to Home Office; Parliament Square. and South Bank
South London Citizens is a diverse community alliance, which includes more than 100 churches, mosques, schools, trade unions and charities. London Citizens teaches the art of politics in action - allowing ordinary people to bring about social change.

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