Fullers Fights for Folkestone Campus

Liberal Democrat Town Councillor Gary Fuller has written to the corporation chairs of West Kent and Sussex Downs Colleges, seeking confirmation that South Kent College's Folkestone campus won't close if merger plans go ahead.
In a recent KPMG report, it was recommended that South Kent College seek a merger with one of these institutions. South Kent have since suggested that all three of its sites will remain, but they have not made it clear that their possible merger partners are committed to this. It has also not been made clear whether or not any of the sites could be sold off to clear South Kent's £1.6m debts.
Gary wrote:
"The loss of any provision from Folkestone could well be a significant blow to the area."
Commenting, Gary added:
"Given the recent inspection report and the fact that South Kent is so heavily in debt, I worry that the Folkestone campus might well be sold off if a merger takes place.
"Folkestone is in the process of a massive regeneration. For this to continue we need strong local providers to improve the skills of young people living in the area. I hope that any merger partners will keep this in mind when deciding the fate of the Folkestone campus."

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