"Get Out, Stay Out" warn Folkestone firefighters

If your home catches fire, Get Out and Stay Out - that's the message from Folkestone firefighters who rescued residents from a blaze after they ignored the sound of the smoke alarm system.
Approximately twenty firefighters from both Folkestone and Hythe fire stations were sent to block of flats in Marine Terrace, shortly after 7pm yesterday following reports of a fire in a flat.
When they arrived, crews wearing breathing apparatus discovered a fire in a bedroom of a flat on the first floor.
Several residents had acted on the warning sound coming from the smoke alarm system and left the premises, but it soon became apparent to firefighters that two residents, who were slow with reacting to the warning, had become trapped in the building by thick smoke.
Folkestone Crew Manager Andy Batchelor said:
"The crews were searching the heavily smoke logged building for anyone trapped, when they discovered two men. One of the men, in his sixties, had been overcome by the smoke fumes and had to be carried to safety by our crews, while the other, in his fifties, had to be led from the building due to the poor visibility in the communal corridors.
Andy warned:
"These two men were lucky that the alarm was raised early enough for firefighters to be able to rescue them before they were seriously injured. They put themselves at unnecessary risk by not acting when the smoke alarm sounded. We hope that this example acts as a stark reminder to all residents to never ignore the sound of a smoke alarm. They provide early warning in the event of a fire and buy you time to get out safely."
The man affected by smoke inhalation was given oxygen therapy at the scene by firefighters and was transported to hospital by ambulance staff.
As is routine after an incident of this nature, local fire crews will be visiting the area to remind home owners of the free home safety visit scheme which Kent Fire and Rescue Service offers.
The visits take around 30 minutes and include tips on cooking safely, the dangers of smoking materials, care with candles, and planning escape routes in the event of fire. Free 10-year battery smoke alarms are also fitted when needed to give early warning of fire and help people escape. By following the advice given during the check, people can also reduce the risk of fire in their home.
To book a visit call the Community Safety Team for free on 0800 923 7000 or call your local fire station.
In the meantime follow these tips to keep you and your family safe from the threat of fire:
- Make sure you have a smoke alarm on every floor of your home and make sure you test it weekly
- Plan an escape route for the event of fire, practice it and make sure that everyone knows what to do when a fire strikes
- Make sure that your planned escape route remains free of any obstructions and that there are no loose floor coverings that could trip you up
- Ensure that the key to the final escape exit is readily available, close to hand and that everyone in the house knows where it is
- In the event of a fire, always remember the golden rule, to Get Out, Stay Out and dial 999.
For more fire safety tips, visit Kent Fire and Rescue Service's website www.kent.fire-uk.org

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