Granville Parade, Sandgate: Pumping
Over the last few days, Granville Parade in Sandgate has had an endless procession of tankers arriving to "pump out" what I understand to be sewage tanks underneath the promenade.
According to a message to Sandgate Parish Council from Southern Water today, the pump has broken and the tankers are acting as a replacement until a new pump can be put in place. They suggested this may be a big job (no sewage jokes, please) and could take some time to replace the pump.
The Parish Council is chasing the earliest possible repair: the constant tanker movements in that area are making life unpleasant for neighbours and of course offputting to beach users. A month of that is clearly not acceptable. Having been down there in the last hour or so, workers were craning what looked like a temporary pump into place, so there may be progress soon.
I'll update more when I have it...

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