Grasmere Gardens Path Reconstruction Works from 7 January

Kent Highways are planning to carry out footway reconstruction works along the entire length of Grasmere Gardens. These works involve the replacement of the existing footway surface with a newly constructed bituminous layer, together with some kerb works.
Works are programmed to commence on 7 January 2013 for a period of five weeks. Working hours will be from 7am and be completed by 5pm.
The works are due to take place in Grasmere Gardens for the entire length.
This footway has been identified as requiring maintenance works of the existing highway surface. The works will improve the surface of the footway whilst enhancing the overall aesthetics of the area.
Repairs will be undertaken in sections, so as to minimise disruption, but access will be maintained at all times. Whilst works are being carried out to the frontage of your property, please make alternative arrangements for your vehicle to be parked away from the site at a convenient location.
Every effort will be made to maintain access to your driveway, however, please be aware there may be times when a delay occurs but we will endeavour to keep disruption to a minimum. Each section will require the footway to be closed off and traffic will be controlled. As part of the works it may be possible to have a reduced cost vehicle crossing installed. If you wish to enquire about this opportunity, please contact the number below.
If you need to contact Kent Highways or if you have any concerns about how these road works will affect you call on 08458 247 800.

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