Great Reasons to support the Liberal Democrats
A new book has just been published called 'Why Vote Liberal Democrat' which makes a compelling case for supporting our party in the General Election. It's a great read for anyone interested in politics - long-standing Party members and floating voters alike.
You can buy a copy of "Why Vote Lib Dem" at Amazon for just £6.99.
The book contains chapters from a whole range of people, all arguing that a Liberal Democrat government is what our country desperately needs.
Contributors include:
- Actor, and hopefully soon to be Oscar winner, Colin Firth. Colin says of the Liberal Democrats; "whenever I look for compassionate and intellectually rigorous politics I keep coming back to them."
- TV personality and education campaigner Floella Benjamin; "I am proud to be a member of the Liberal Democrats - the only party with ambition and real commitment to opening up opportunities for all Britain's children."
Director of the Power 2010 campaign Pam Giddy; "the Liberal Democrats have consistently called for reform of this 'rotten' Westminster system."
- Former Director of Public Prosecutions, Sir Ken MacDonald; "The point about the Liberal Democrats is that they have been steadfast in defending freedom - and their consistency deserves support."
Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats are taking an offer of fairness to the British people at this election - fairness in taxation, education, job and homes, and political reform. It's an offer that is gathering increasing support at the election draws nearer.

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