Gurkha Justice Court Case: Can you help find key evidence?
Gurkha Justice campaigner Peter Carroll has issued an plea for evidence to back up the legal team representing the Gurkhas in the current High Court hearing on the lawfulness of the 1997 'cut off' date for citizenship. The case received huge coverage earlier this week when Joanna Lumley and others gave their backing to the cause.
The Gurkha's legal team urgently (by Wednesday 24th September) need to find an example case of a soldier recruited directly to the British Army from a Commonwealth country to disprove statements being made by the Home Office.
Peter Carroll says:
"We need to find a person who joined the British Army between 1962 and 1997 who was a citizen of a Commonwealth Country and joined the Army directly from his own country - that is, they had not entered and settled in the UK before applying to join the Army.
"The reasons behind this requirement are complex. However, our legal team say that the finding of even one such instance would fundamentally improve the chance of victory in this case."
If you meet the criteria above, or know someone who does, please email Peter Carroll on or call 07866 800755 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND BY 24TH SEPTEMBER 2008 AT THE LATEST.
Even if you do not know directly of such people, please email this message to others and ask them to pass it on as well to anyone they think might be able to help, especially army contacts.
The success of the Gurkha's claim for citizenship rights for those retiring before 1997 would be STRONGLY helped by finding people as above to disprove the Home Office's case in the next two days: you can make it happen, and help right this wrong.
You can read more about the Gurkha Justice Campaign at

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