Gurkha Justice March in Folkestone on Tuesday

Tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday), Cheriton Councillor Dhan Gurung and many former Gurkhas will be meeting at Folkestone Bus station at 3.00pm. Together they will march to the Town Centre (aiming to be there about 3.30pm) to protest at the Government's delay in declaring its decision, and that this decision should be for equal rights for former Gurkhas - whatever the year of their retirement from the British Army.
The retired Gurkha soldiers will march on Folkestone's town centre, to demonstrate their frustration at the inaction of central government to comply with a High Court ruling.
In September 2008, the High Court ruled that the governments policy in respect of retired Gurkha's was unlawful. The Government were given 3 months to review and replace their policy, and still they have not done so.
Both Folkestone's Town Council, and Shepway District Council have passed motions of support for the retired Gurkha's in our communities, and have written to Jackie Smith, the Home Secretary, and neither council have received a response.
Many retired Gurkha's are living hand to mouth, and relying on the good will of friends and extended family to support them until this ruling is decided. Many go hungry, and in this time of recession, friends are being put in the position where they cannot afford to support non family members.
They march out of frustration, that the Government and Country they fought so proudly to defend, is again letting them down.
The press have been invited and anyone who can and wishes to be there with them, supporting the cause, are most welcome.

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