Gurkhas Awarded Freedom of Sandgate

The 2nd Battalion, the Royal Gurkha Rifles, from Shornecliffe barracks, have today been granted the Freedom of Sandgate. The award was given after the regiment had marched through the town, accompanied by marching pipes and drums.
Many local residents watched the ceremony and parade in bright sunshine, alongside local Councillors, mayors from the local area including Folkestone Mayor Peter Gane & controversial Sandgate Mayor Geoffrey Boot and Folkestone & Hythe MP Michael Howard.
Sandgate's newest Councillor Season Prater was elected on Thursday and attended the parade. Season said:
"The parade was a great occasion, and I'm delighted that this honour given to the Gurkhas in Sandgate. The crowd that watched the service showed the affection and respect we have for our Gurkha neighbours here, and that they are an important part of our community in Sandgate and Folkestone."
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