Hail Caesar! Tim welcomes new footpath surfacing in Cheriton
The footpath from Caesar's Way is part of an off-road route from Cheriton to Junction 13 of the M20. But much of the path was muddy and overgrown and hard to use.

However, working with Kent's Public Right of Way team, Liberal Democrat Kent County Councillor Tim Prater has backed the work with funding from his Members Highways Fund to get it paved and overhanging "greenery" cut back.
Tim says:
"This path followed a really useful route, but was often muddy, slippy and dangerous. A local resident first contacted me a few months ago to see if there was anything that could be done to improve the path, and I have been working with Kent's Highways team on it since. We need to make the most of our footpaths, and this now looks great!"

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