Help Stop the 20th November Removal of Hamedullah Hassani
Without your help Hamedullah Hassani faces being returned to Afghanistan on November 20th at 20.40 hrs on flight PVT8024 and PVT10085.
Hamedullah came to the UK in 2004 aged 15. His father had been working for RAWA (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan) until his disappearance and presumed death in 2001. Hamedullah's mother was also a member of RAWA as was Hamedullah who helped distribute posters and leaflets.
When the family was placed in danger because of its involvement with RAWA, Hamedullah went into hiding and fled to the UK.
He has been refused asylum by the Home Office which states, firstly - that he would not be facing any threat from the authorities because of his connection to RAWA and secondly - that he could relocate to Kabul where he could find a means of supporting himself.
Hamedullah came to the UK in 2004 aged 15 and has been living in Canterbury and studying at Canterbury College. He has been refused asylum as the Home Office states that it would be safe for him to return. However,he has no contact with his family and would be extremely vulnerable and unsafe.
What can you do to help?
1.Please send an urgent fax to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Hamedullah Hassani be granted protection in the UK. Fax no: 020 7035 4745
You can use the suggested letter text below or you can write your own version. Please include Hamedullah's Home Office reference no: H1138373 in all correspondence.
2. Please collect signatures for the petition and fax it to the number on the petition.
Please notify the campaign of any faxes sent to the Home Office:
Hamedullah Hassani Campaign
c/o Canterbury College
New Dover Road
Tel: 01227 811111 ext 1364
Fax: 01227 811101
Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office
2 Marsham Street
Dear Secretary of State,
Re: Hamedullah Hassani - HO ref: H1138373
Hamedullah came to the UK in 2004 aged 15. His father had been working for RAWA (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan) until his disappearance and presumed death in 2001. Hamedullah's mother was also a member of RAWA as was Hamedullah who helped distribute posters and leaflets.
When the family was placed in danger because of its involvement with RAWA Hamedullah went into hiding and fled to the UK.
He has been refused asylum by the Home Office which states, firstly - that he would not be facing any threat from the authorities because of his connection to RAWA and secondly - that he could relocate to Kabul where he could find a means of supporting himself.
It would be unsafe for Hamedullah to return to Afghanistan for the following reasons:
1. RAWA is the most radical of the women's organizations in Afghanistan where almost no progress has been made in relation to women's rights. RAWA would therefore present a challenge to those in power who would have an interest in targeting anyone associated with RAWA. Hamedullah would therefore be at risk.
2. In relocating to another area Hamedullah would be offered no protection from the authorities or police and, as a young man returning, he would be regarded with suspicion. He would therefore be in a threatening and highly frightening environment.
3. The economy is in a very fragile state, housing costs are high and he would need to rely heavily on family links in order to survive. Hamedullah has no contact with his family and does not know their whereabouts. He would therefore be extremely vulnerable and homeless. If Hamedullah were to return to Afghanistan, we would be monitoring what happens to him and he would be keeping us abreast of the situation.
As it would be unsafe to deport him to Afghanistan we ask you to reconsider his case and grant him leave to remain in the UK.
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