Hythe Councillors Let Hythe down over Nickolls Quarry
The people of Hythe, and particularly those of Hythe West, have been completely vindicated in wanting their petition to be acted upon by the Conservative District Council. They asked for the absent Cllrs Mr & Mrs Oliver to stand down, as they don't feel they can be properly represented from 180 miles away.
Last week, at the Council's meeting when the Nickolls Quarry planning application was discussed and voted upon, the residents witnessed the absence of Cllr Mrs Oliver. As their District Councillor, Cllr Mrs Oliver had the right to address the committee and give her views on the application. She failed to do so.
To be fair however, she was not alone in her absence.
Both Cllr Hayward (Hythe West) and Hythe District Councillor Michael Lyons were absent too. In fact, no Hythe District Councillor was present. By failing to attend and stand up for the views of local residents, Hythe's Conservative District Councillors have let down Hythe, and let down themselves.

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