Hythe Tories - at Home in Bath
Tory Councillors for Hythe West John and Linda Oliver have STILL not resigned their council seats - despite having moved to Bath over SIX weeks ago! In November Shepway Conservatives said the Olivers would resign in the "New Year". The Olivers sold their Hythe home before Christmas.
As a District Councillor, Linda Oliver continues to be entitled to £3,600 a year from Shepway Council.
"By not allowing Hythe West to choose new Councillors the Conservatives are showing they care nothing for Hythe West residents." says former Hythe Mayor Neil Matthews.
"The Conservative agent even claimed 'When they can no longer fulfil their elected role in the community we will call a by-election.' The Olivers sold up and moved hundreds of miles away well before Christmas. Despite this, weeks later, the Tories are still clinging to their seats."
Hythe resident Darren Briddock agrees:
"The Conservatives are running scared in Hythe. They know local residents are increasingly angry about the new Tory Garden Tax and huge 15% hike in Hythe's Council Tax."

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