Hythe Town Council statement on Fisherman's Beach Development
A statement by Cllr John Schoner on behalf of Hythe Town Council has called on Shepway to refuse the submitted planning application (Planning Application No Y10/0436/SH - Fishermans Beach, Hythe), and raised questions about Shepway's own potential £2.25m income from the development if the application is passed. Their statement says:
This development is too high, too intensive and takes away a public amenity, robbing us of an important part of Hythe's Frontline historical past.
English Heritage questions, the intensity, the harm to the setting of the Martello Towers and the effect upon the activity of one of the few remaining small fishing fleets within the historic Cinque Ports.
The intensity of the development will mean that there will be the capacity for well over 200 extra daily vehicle movements.
The modified housing plans mean that 55 out of the 62 units will be in 4 or 3.5 storey buildings, representing overbearing high rise on the seafront.
The entire site ground level will be raised to 6.2m Above Ordnance Datum and in places the development will tower some 7 m above the surroundings. It will stand out like a sore thumb along the coast - and from the Hythe escarpment.
Southern Water has objected comprehensively to the proposals stating that the previous relative isolation of its adjacent sewage works, which operates 24/7 all year round, has not been a problem for noise and smell but now it will be.
The following policies are "saved policies" so your own planners have confirmed their ongoing importance. Nevertheless, they are being contravened by this proposal.
Policy CO1 & CO2
The western end of the site is outside the existing settlement boundary which the planning authority has used as a reason to refuse planning consent for others.
Policy LR7
Most of this site is identified as an area for new and enhanced leisure and recreational activities and not housing. The MOD's observations pick up that, and far from enhancing the fishing activities these will be curtailed - coupled with increased risk of Danger Area infringement.
Policy SD1
There is no overriding social or economic need to deprive the residents of Hythe of this area. Fisherman's Beach does need improvements but its overall character and present use must be retained for both the present community and for future generations.
S106 agreement
No legal binding agreement must be entered into without discussion with Hythe Town Council.
Finally, this Committee is sitting in a quasi-judicial capacity and should put aside thoughts of the potential £2.25m income to its own authority which would be spread throughout the District and not returned to Hythe. So Hythe loses out again if this scheme goes ahead. The residents of Hythe deserve better.

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