Hythe West Councillor SHAME: Linda Oliver Misses 6 out of 8 Meetings

Claims by local Conservatives that Hythe West could be properly represented by Councillors who moved to Bath last year have been destroyed by official figures. Attendance records show Conservative Councillor Linda Oliver has attended just TWO of the last 8 Hythe and Shepway Full Council meetings.
Meeting minutes show Linda Oliver's attendance record at Shepway District Council, and John and Linda Olivers at Hythe Town Council. The record of shame shows:
- Shepway Council Meeting 12 September 2007 - MISSING
- Hythe Council Meeting 27 September 2007 - MISSING
- Shepway Council Meeting 31 October 2007 - Present
- Hythe Council Meeting 8 November 2007 - MISSING
- Shepway Council Meeting 19 December 2007 - MISSING
- Hythe Council Meeting 20 December 2007 - MISSING
- Shepway Council Meeting 23 January 2008 - MISSING
- Hythe Council Meeting 13 March 2008 - Present
The Conservative Shepway Council leader Robert Bliss has previously backed Councillor Oliver saying "There is no reason for her to step down."
Many Hythe West residents feel let down by local Conservatives who are refusing to allow local residents to pick new councillors for their area. The Liberal Democrats have launched a petition calling on the Oliver's to resign to force by-elections for their seats in Hythe West so local residents can again have local councillors to stand up for them.
The "The Olivers Should Resign" petition is available on-line at www.shepwaylibdems.org.uk/petitions/10.html

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