Inclusive Design & Placemaking: Supplementary Guidance
Kent County Council has produced the consultation draft "Inclusive Design & Placemaking: Supplementary Guidance" and is inviting views of interested parties prior to the formal adoption of the document as Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Kent Design Guide.
The document is on the Kent County Council website, and hard copies can be viewed at the KCC deposit locations including all libraries and gateways. Should you require the document in hard copy or disc format for your own purposes please use the contact details provided below.
Please note that the statutory consultation period will commence on the 28 February 2011 and will end on the 11 April 2011.
If you wish to participate in the preparation of the guidance could you please forward your comments, highlighting if possible, any specific changes you feel should be made to the text and accompanying information. An email response would be helpful if this facility is available to you. An automatic acknowledgement response will then follow.
Copies of the document can be viewed and/or downloaded from the County Council's website at:
Representations concerning the Guidance should be made in writing or electronically to:
The Project Support Team (Inclusive Design and Placemaking), Regeneration & Economy Division, Chief Executive's Department, KCC, 2nd floor, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XX, or by email to:

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