Installation of the Deputy Constable of Dover Castle
My feet are becoming used to the additional standing to watch important events and my leg muscles are getting stronger to cope with the extra walking and standing. This event however, required endurance of feet, legs and back! Perhaps because the military are so used to standing and walking, they have forgotten that some of the rest of us are pretty unfit!
The army can always be relied upon to have good organisation and this occasion was no different. The invited dignitaries assembled in the dining room of the Deputy Constable and a short ceremony completed his installation.
The reception that followed was run on precision guidelines and for four hours we stood in small groups, created by a military system to ensure that nobody was left alone. The hospitality was exceptional and the care of individual needs was admirable.
After these four hours of standing, it was a relief to be invited to sit and watch the Beating of the Retreat. How delighted I was to find that it was the turn of the Gurkha Regiment to entertain with a marching band and also with dancers. Mayors and dignitaries from other towns were amazed at the high standard of performance, which left me feeling proud to be mayor of a town with a Gurkha Regiment in place.
During this time the sun began to set and the chill in the air created a problem for a few women in summer clothing, but the army quickly responded with soldiers bringing out blankets from the Officers Mess. The lowering of the flag brought the day to a close and I was left with a sense of pride and satisfaction at the sheer professionalism, hospitality and humility of our hosts

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