Interact Celebration and Handover with Folkestone Rotary Club
Excellent company and food at The Gurkha Palace created a very enjoyable evening. For this particular event, the business world met with some students from the Folkestone School for Girls, so that the girls could call on the skills of the Rotary members in order to maximise charity fund raising attempts.
Miss Needs and Miss Stubbings from the Folkestone School for Girls seemed pleased to see me after having helped educate my three daughters. We had much to discuss and catch up on! The work of the Interact Group alongside the Rotary Club is a truly symbiotic arrangement.
I was impressed with the girls willingness to dedicate time and energy to charity work when they are also studying for important exams. A thoroughly educational evening for me and I have been left genuinely touched by the selflessness of both the students, the staff and the Rotary Club members.

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