It's time for Real Change in Folkestone and Hythe

Protecting services like schools, the Royal Victoria Hospital, Fire Services and Post Offices. Fighting Lydd Airport expansion. Justice for Gurkhas. All are campaigns I've fought alongside local people in the last 4 years.
Some we've won. Some we're still fighting. But they share one thing in common. Whether the campaign has been big or small, they make a big difference to local people.
That's what I care about. Making our area better. Changing local people's lives for the better.
Be Part of the Change.
I'm proud to have been selected as the Liberal Democrats' Parliamentary Candidate for Folkestone and Hythe. Time is short. We have 4 months to run the campaign of our lives.
In those months, we will need to give local people a real message of hope. That their vote can change things. That their new MP will stand up for local people and local causes. That not all MPs are the same.
I know how hard it will be to win here, but I'm not interested in losing. I want to be your next MP. I'm standing because I care. I want to win. I want to change local lives for the better.
I'm not wasting a single moment. I hope you'll work with me. Together, we can make a difference. We can make it happen. Together.
However you can work with me - from agreeing to put up a poster, to telling friends, to joining my team in the next few weeks - please let me know by emailing me at or calling me on 07885 940 945. Together, we can make a real change.

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