KCC Council Tax soars over £1000 under the Conservatives
Kent Conservatives plan to raise the County Council portion of the Council Tax bill by an increase of 3.9%. This brings the Kent county Council (KCC) share on a Band D property to over £1000 for the first time ever, a rise of £37.62 a year.
Paul Carter, Leader of Conservative Kent County Council said that he could not rule out having to increase it still further if the Government did not repay money spent on accommodating asylum seekers.
The budget will be discussed at the Council's Cabinet meeting on 6th February and then at the County Council meeting on 19th February.
The County Council accounts for the largest part of the council tax bill. Other elements that make up the final amount are the District / Borough Councils, the Fire and Rescue Authority the Police and Town and Parish Councils.
Local Lib Dem Campaigner Neil Matthews said:
"It's disgraceful that the Conservative administration at Kent County Council can think about increasing our council tax whilst they mismanage our money elsewhere. The Highways Department reorganisation cost over £27million and £7million was spent on the failed Turner project.
"The Tories just keep putting tax up. Here in Hythe, the Conservative Town Council have just hiked their Council Tax by a massive 15%. By contrast, Lib Dem Folkestone have FROZEN their Council Tax.
"Conservatives across Kent need to stop increasing our bills and wasting our money."

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