Keep It Simple: Make Shepway Clean, Green and Safe

Shepway Liberal Democrats have launched their election manifesto "CLEAN, GREEN, SAFE: Keep It Simple Shepway" for the local elections. The Liberal Democrats are the clear challengers to the Conservatives across Shepway District, and are pledging to focus on delivering key service improvements.
The manifesto is available on-line at the Shepway Liberal Democrats web site
Lynne Beaumont, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on Shepway District Council, introduced the manifesto, saying:
"We have to clean up the Council culture of waste. In the last two years alone, £2 million has been wasted on costs and consultants for the failed Sports Centre bid and the botched introduction of the recycling scheme. 2 years. £2 million.
"A recent Audit Commission report on Shepway Council confirms that on local streets 'standard of cleanliness is poor' and the Council 'has not been working to clear and published performance standards'.
"Our council needs to learn from its past. For example, we understand that the 'tax and toilets' decisions made 3 years ago by the Council's then leadership were bad decisions. We will learn from those mistakes, and we will not repeat them. The current leadership should be just as honest about its more recent disasters.
The Liberal Democrats would concentrate on key services to make our area better - to make Shepway Clean, Safe, and Green.
"A Clean district will encourage tourists, businesses and make the area a better place to live. A Safe district makes us all feel more secure, reducing both crime and its costs. And a Green district to take a lead in securing our environment locally. Lydd Airport expansion will be a disaster for the local environment and local tourism jobs - it must be opposed.
"The District Council needs to work with our Town and Parish Councils to deliver these services. We would give real responsibility to the people who know their area best.
"It's a simple Manifesto - lets get the most important things right, first. By keeping it simple, we have a chance of success. Let's Keep It Simple, Shepway."

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