Kent and Medway Funding Fair 2011
The booking for the 2011 Kent and Medway Funding Fair is now open. This FREE event will be held on 13th April at The Folkestone Academy, Folkestone.
The day will start with an opening address at 9.30am. This will be followed by a programme of seminars as well as an exhibition area, where you will have a chance to meet funders and seek funding advice.
Speakers include BIG Lottery, KCC Community Engagement Managers, CCWorks, Reeves, Charity Bank, Santander Foundation, Esmee Fairbairn and many more.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. This year we are limiting places to two delegates per organisation only. Once all places have gone we will place interested parties on a waiting list for cancellations.
Booking forms and seminar outlines can be downloaded from
Alternatively you can request a form by emailing or by phoning 01303 813790. If you have any questions regarding the booking process please read the Delegate FAQs attached to this email. If your question is not answered on this sheet then please contact the office using the contact details above.
Bookings will close on Wednesday 30th March.
This fair has been organised by Action with Communities in Rural Kent through funding from KCC Local Members Community Grants. The event is also sponsored by CCWorks (main sponsor), Reeves and Charity Bank.

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