Kent County Council: Environment, Highways and Waste Directorate: Statement of Community Involvement: Draft for Consultation
Kent County Council (KCC) is preparing a new Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). This is a statutory requirement under the 2004 Planning Act. The SCI will set out how and when communities can most effectively get involved with the town and country planning issues that concern them and for which KCC has responsibility.
In mid 2009 they consulted on the approach to be taken in preparing the SCI and invited organisations and individuals across Kent to let us know what they would like to see in it. They have now prepared a full draft of the revised SCI for consultation prior to its adoption later this year. The consultation period runs for 8 weeks between 24th May and 19th July 2010.
The draft SCI consultation document and accompanying questionnaire are available on our consultation portal ( Copies are also available for inspection at Sessions House, County Hall in Maidstone, at all District and Borough Council main offices and at Kent Gateways and libraries.
If you would like any further information the contact details are as follows:
MWDF Project Team, Integrated Strategy and Planning Division
Environment, Highways and Waste Directorate
Kent County Council, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XX
Tel 01622 696815 Email: Website:

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