Kent Fire and Rescue call for new retained firefighters for Hythe Fire Station
Are you looking for a new, exciting challenge? Do you want to make new friends, feel part of a team and give something back to your community? Then answer Hythe fire station's plea and become a retained firefighter!
Hythe's crews are made up of people from all walks of life - a full time mum, a student teacher, plumbers, builders, technicians and a chef, with ages ranging from 19 to 53. But they all share one thing in common - they have all decided to put something back into their community by providing emergency fire and rescue cover.
Watch Manager Lawrie Stewart, who has served at the station for more than 20 years said: "As the earliest station to be founded in Kent, and the only retained station with two fire engines, you'll be joining a team with a long and successful history of firefighting. We train regularly to ensure that every person can perform to their best ability.
"Most recently, crews from Hythe joined colleagues from across the county in tackling the fire at the Channel Tunnel, with breathing apparatus teams firefighting in temperatures reported to be in excess of 1000 degrees. This incident was just one of a whole range of situations we are trained to deal with by Kent Fire and Rescue Service and there has been numerous incidents where we have helped people locally."
During the time they are on call, retained firefighters carry a pager and, as long as they are able to get to the fire station within five minutes of a call, they can carry on with all their normal day-to-day activities - studying, housework, DIY, watching TV, sleeping or working (if employers agree). They do need to be reasonably fit and healthy and there are some selection tests, but guidance is available.
A retained firefighter is also committed to taking part in a weekly drill yard night at their local fire station, where the local team will get together and practise emergency response procedures.
Retained Station Manager Chris Jordan said: "It's a fantastic job; there's nothing like it for satisfaction, but most people don't realise they can do it part time. No particular qualifications are needed, and there is no need for previous experience but people will need commitment, enthusiasm and an ability to work as part of a team."
The work is not without rewards. Apart from the satisfaction of knowing that they have helped somebody in difficult circumstances, retained firefighters get an annual retaining fee (like a salary), and are paid for each incident they attend and for any extra training. They also gain knowledge and skills, such as first aid, which could help at home or at work and could keep their family, friends or colleagues safer.
The station is particularly looking for people who can help to provide cover during evening and at night.
For more information about becoming a retained firefighter contact Chris Jordan Retained Station Manager, East Division on 01227 825500, logon to the website or drop into Hythe Fire Station, Wakefield Road, Hythe any Tuesday evening between 7-9pm.

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