Kent Fire Authority Vote for Cuts to Folkestone Fire Station

In a key meeting today, Kent Fire Authority have voted for cuts to Folkestone Fire Brigade. The Conservative dominated Authority voted by 14 votes to one against for the cuts to the Folkestone Brigade, which will now lose its second full-time engine, 24 full-time fire-fighters and lose its turntable ladder. The only member of the Fire Authority to vote against was Liberal Democrat Andy Stamp.
Folkestone Conservative Councillor Richard Pascoe, who sits on the Fire Authority, failed to turn up for the key meeting, despite an earlier pledge to Shepway Councillors that he would be voting against.
Shepway Liberal Democrat Council Leader Lynne Beaumont attended the meeting with Folkestone fire-fighters. After the meeting, she said:
"This decision is a disgrace, and will harm our fire services not just in Folkestone but across Shepway.
"The case for these cuts that has been presented to the public is incomplete and flawed. There is around a 25% increase in the chances of road accident fatalities as a result of the cuts.
"There are huge new and potential, and as yet unmeasured, risks in this area - the airport, new nuclear power station, flooding, and Folkestone seafront redevelopment to name but a few.
"Operation Stack in conjunction with a major emergency in Folkestone would currently lead the area without external backup - until Operation Stack as an infrastructure issue is dealt with, this is a dangerous gamble with lives.
"Local people have listened to the campaign thank you to those who had their say in the consultation. Thank you to Lib Dem Councillor Andy Stamp, who is the only Kent Councillor who was prepared to stand up and and vote to protect our fire services here in Shepway.
"And most especially thank you to our local fire fighters who serve our area so well and have been so completely ignored by those Councillors - overwhelming Conservative Councillors - who have backed these cuts today."

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