Kent Highways FAIL: Cheriton streetlights still out despite SIX weeks to fix them

On a regular check of streetlights in Cheriton, Folkestone, in early January, Lib Dem Councillor Tim Prater has found and reported over 30 broken street lights and lit road bollards. The report was made to Kent Highways on 5th January, and has been followed up twice since then, asking when action would be taken, but still the majority of the lights are not yet fixed.
In one reply to a chasing email about a block of 10 street lights all not working in Military Road, Cheriton, Kent Highway Services said:
"Reference 16243946 needs a new lantern and the order is currently with our suppliers."
Cllr Tim Prater commented:
"That would have to be the most incredible new lantern in the history of lighting - one lantern to fix ten street lights! These lights were reported broken over 6 weeks ago, Kent Highways still have not fixed them, and they are giving out patently wrong information when you ask for more information.
"It's not just Kent's street lights that are broken - its Kent Highway Services. They are not fit for purpose, and seemingly not up to the job of maintaining our streets and lights. Kent County Council should be ashamed.
"It's a sad joke: with millions on millions spent over recent years on Kent Highway Services reorganisation, it's still not clear how many staff they need to change a lightbulb!"
Amongst others, there were lights out of action in Military Road, Church Road, Royal Military Avenue, Naseby Road, Fairfax Close, Cheriton High Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, Roman Way and Horn Street.

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