Kent Lane Rental Scheme – Consultation
Kent has one of the most extensive highway networks in the country and Kent County Council (KCC) as a local transport authority maintains over 5,000 miles of roads and 4,000 miles of pavements, as well as 4,200 miles of public rights of way. Under the Traffic Management Act 2004, all local transport authorities in England have a duty to: "secure the expeditious movement of traffic on the authority's road network".
In January 2010 KCC introduced the Kent Permit Scheme with the objective of reducing disruption from works on the road network. Within a permit scheme any organisation intending to carry out works on the highway must apply for permission in advance of the works and KCC may choose to grant a permit or refuse the permit as submitted, and/or request conditions.
Under the powers within Sections 74A, 104(1) and (3) of the New Roads and Street Works Act (1991) a local transport authority can request the Secretary of State for Transport to bring into effect a regulation that enables a highways authority to apply charges for occupation of the highway - a lane rental scheme. A well-designed and well-targeted lane rental scheme, focused on the most critical parts of the highway network and with charges applying only at the busiest locations at traffic sensitive times, should encourage those undertaking works to carry out these works in a less disruptive manner.
Kent County Council intends to make an application to the Transport Secretary to bring a lane rental scheme into effect and I would like to take the opportunity to invite your views on the introduction of a Kent Lane Rental Scheme.
The Kent Lane Rental Scheme will be applied to a specified section of the highway network, to affect the most critical section of KCC's highways network and includes streets that are proven to cause significant disruption and congestion. The Kent Lane Rental Scheme is intended to complement the Kent Permit Scheme.
A copy of the proposed scheme can be obtained either electronically at or as a paper document, by request. In addition to the proposed scheme, the associated Schedule and a Cost:Benefit Analysis Appraisal Summary are also available for reference.
Any comments on the Kent Lane Rental Scheme can be submitted electronically via email to or via written correspondence to: Lane Rental, C/O Roadworks Team, Highways Depot, Javelin Way, Henwood, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8AH. When submitting comments, please indicate the section and number reference (as applicable) of the scheme document.
The consultation will run for a period of 12 weeks from 25th June 2012 to 17th September 2012 Any comments received during this time will be taken into consideration and once the consultation is complete a response to the comments, including any scheme developments as a result of the comments, will be published.
There will be a Seminar on 10th July to provide an opportunity for all Consultees to learn more about the Kent Lane Rental Scheme and ask the Street Works Team any questions. The Seminar will be held at Oakwood House in Maidstone (ME16 8AE) and if you would like to attend please RVSP to
Once the consultation is complete and the Kent Lane Rental Scheme has been finalised it is expected that KCC will submit an application to the Transport Secretary for an Order to bring a scheme into effect.

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