Kent Police update April 2012 - Sandgate
Since the March Parish Council Meeting there has been 9 Neighbourhood related calls in the ward. 2 calls relating to nuisance youths at Freemantle Road and Turner Court both in Enbrook Valley. There has been 1 noise call and 2 suspicious vehicles seen in Ross Way. During the same time there have been 2 reported burglaries, 3 incidents of criminal damage, 1 incident of theft of pedal cycles and 1 incident of theft from a motor vehicle.
Crime and anti social behaviour remain low in the ward and simple measures such as locking up bicycles and removing tools and other valuables from vehicles can help reduce crime. Breakings and burglaries can be reduced by checking outbuildings to make sure they are locked and secure.
Since taking over the PCSO role in Sandgate I have been involved in such diverse incidents as locating a 3 year old missing child on the sea front, parking issues on Sandgate High Street and The Crescent, dealing with a large group of youths causing problems in Freemantle play park.
I have regularly patrolled the ward during daylight and evening hours both on foot and on mountain bike and have been speaking to local residents and businesses about any policing issues.
- Saturday 21st April between 10am and 11am at the Sandgate library
- Thursday 10th May between 10am and 11am at the Sandgate library

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