Kent Police update February 2012 - Cheriton, Morehall and Sandgate
This is the update for the month of February 2012, for Sandgate, Cheriton and surrounding areas.
PCSO Mark Ball attended Highlands Close in relation to a report of Anti-social behaviour towards a local resident. The group was quickly identified, resulting in Officer Ball speaking with the parents of the young person responsible.
On Sunday 12th February PCSO's Vanessa Baber and Mark Ball were given a found wallet which contained money and various cards. The officers used a doctor's number which was found in the wallet to ascertain the owner and his contact details. This resulted in the individual, who lost the wallet at Stansted Airport, being contacted and informed.
On Sunday 19th February Officer Mark Ball attended Elventon Close in relation to several reports from local residents regarding a vehicle obstruction. The owner of the van in question was quickly identified and provided with suitable words of advice. The van was subsequently moved from the area.
An elderly resident in Coolinge Lane called Police in a state of confusion. Local officer Mark Ball attended the address but received no reply. Checks were made with partner agencies and the Caring Agency looking after the resident was soon established. Officer Ball liaised with care staff that met him outside the property and subsequently gained entry to the property. The lady was found to be safe but in a state of distress.
Whilst on routine patrol in the Sandgate area, PCSO Mark Ball found a black leather wallet which he discovered had been stolen a month ago. Officer Ball was able to locate the name, and contact details of the owner and reunited him with his property.
On 24th February 2012 PCSO Mark Ball stopped and spoke with a van driver who was seen driving along the pavement in Cheriton High Street. This particular stretch of road has been identified previously as having issues with drivers mounting the curb. Appropriate levels of warning were provided.
On Saturday 25th February 2012 Officers Mark Ball and Tara Liam stopped and spoke with a male who appeared to be drunk and shouting at motorists in Middleburg Square. The male became aggressive towards the officers who subsequently detained him and called for assistance where the male was arrested. The male was known for violence towards police and carrying weapons.
PCSO Mark Ball responded to a direct call made to his work mobile of an assault between 2 family members. Officer Ball spoke with the pair separately in order to ascertain their individual stories. Neither party wanted to report the other nor was there any injuries sustained. Both parties were given suitable words of advice regarding their conduct and resolved their differences.
Whilst on duty in Folkestone town centre, PCSO Mark Ball found a wallet with various cards, a sizeable amount of money but only a surname on one of the cards. By conducting checks into the person's name, Officer Ball was able to find the owner and ensure it was safely returned.
During the month of February, high visibility foot patrols have specifically targeted the shops in Enbrook Valley as well as the grounds of Saga. This was due to an increase of Anti-social behaviour (ASB) at both of these locations. PCSO Mark Ball has liaised directly with shop owners and Saga security to ensure that they are kept informed of his progress. Although these areas have seen a significant decrease in ASB activity, continuous regular patrols will be continue to be carried out.

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