Kent Police update June 2012 - Sandgate
Kent Police have investigated the following incidents:
- Criminal damage was reported to a vehicle on Enbrook Valley.
- Saga reported criminal damage to fencing, plus damage to a wooden planter.
- Two bags were reported stolen after being left on the beach and at Enbrook Park.
- Two unlocked cycles were stolen overnight at a garden on Sandgate High Street. One bike was also stolen from outside the library.
- Contractors had equipment stolen from a site on The Esplanade.
- Money was stolen from a shop after the owner was distracted.
There have been 10 calls to the neighbourhood team, 2 nuisance youth calls to the play park off Walmer Way, 1 obstruction at Enbrook park, 1 nuisance youth call to the sea front, 1 call regarding noise on The Esplanade and 1 call regarding parking on The Crescent.
In the past month I have been regularly patrolling the parish on foot and on mountain bike. I have attended the Folkestone 10KM run which was held on Sandgate Sea Front, held surgeries at the Library and spoke to local residents during the Jubilee Festival and Air Display.
I have targeted late evening patrols along the sea front, high street, Enbrook Park, the Golden Valley Shops and nearby play parks. Alcohol was seized from groups of youths in Enbrook Park and on the sea front. I have also patrolled earlier in the mornings to show a visible presence in the area.
Several untaxed vehicles were clamped in the parish under Operation Cubit and removed.
Local shops on Sandgate High Street were spoken to about security and UV pens were handed out to mark their property. I have also offered to speak to business's about crime prevention through the parish council business forum.
Policing Plans have been completed concerning the Olympic Torch Relay next month with local officers being on duty throughout the days events.
Surgery Dates for your diary
- 15th June 10 am to 11am at the Library
- 30th June 10am to 11am at the Library

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