Kent Police update March 2013 - Sandgate, Cheriton and Morehall
This is the update for the month of February, for Sandgate, Cheriton, and surrounding areas.
On Friday 1st February 2013 PCSO's Mark Ball and Gary Carr stopped a group of young persons who were reported to have been causing a disturbance in The Coop. As a result of their actions the group was subsequently banned from the store.
Whilst patrolling Folkestone town Centre PCSO Mark Ball and PCSO Gary Carr attended the Leas Cliff car park in relation to reports of young person's loitering in the location and causing anti-social behaviour. A group were found and quickly identified. They were subsequently moved on from the area with words of advice regarding their conduct.
Following reports of a group of young person's causing anti-social behaviour and possible criminal damage, PCSO's Mark Ball and Gary Carr attended a residential property in Shaftesbury Avenue. From viewing local CCTV the offices were able to positively identify the group responsible. Members of the group were spoken to in the presence of their parents/guardians and provided words of warning.
On Thursday 7th February 2013 PCSO's Mark Ball and Gary Carr attended Marine Parade, Folkestone, in relation to two individuals who were riding their motorbikes/mopeds through temporary lights/stop signs. The pair were found and provided suitable words of warning regarding their conduct.
PCSO's Mark Ball, Gary Carr and Patrick Wise conducted foot patrol in and around the location of Hythe canal in relation to recent reports of anti-social behaviour. A large group was stopped by the skate park, where various bottles of alcohol were seized and disposed of. All persons were provided words of warning regarding their conduct.
On Saturday 9th February PCSO's Mark Ball, Gary Carr and Patrick Wise attended a Road Traffic Collision involving two vehicles. The area was made safe with appropriate measures put in place.
PCSO Mark Ball attended the Shell petrol garage in Hythe in relation to a report of a Bilking (obtaining fuel without making payment). Upon viewing the stores CCTV PCSO Ball identified the female suspect as well as the registered owner of the vehicle she was driving. The suspect is now under investigation.
PCSO Mark Ball attended an address in Weymouth Close after reports of litter being thrown into a residential back garden. After conducting a search at the rear of the property Officer Ball found that the items were being thrown from an old derelict site, which young persons had managed to gain access to through a hole in the perimeter fencing. The appropriate company responsible for the site were contacted and instructed to make the area safe.
High Visibility Patrols:
Current crime statistics are: When compared with last year's crime figures Sandgate is down by 4.2%, Cheriton is down by 16.5% and Morehall is up by 4%. As with the report for January, crime statistics are very encouraging for both the areas of Sandgate and Cheriton.
Reports of Theft/Shoplifting in Cheriton are continuously being monitored by PCSO's Karen Tappenden and Mark Ball. As a result targeted patrols are still being conducted in:
- Cheriton High Street
- Tesco Store
- One Stop
Local officers will continue to liaise with partner agencies, local Neighbourhood Watch coordinators, shop managers and their respective teams in order to make Sandgate and Cheriton a safer place to work, live and visit.
After a year patrolling the village of Sandgate, our colleague PCSO Gary Carr, has now moved on to the Ashford area for a new challenge. We wish him every success in his new ward and have no doubt that he will once again help drive down crime in the local area. PCSO Mark Ball will be taking responsibility for the Sandgate area until a permanent replacement is in place.
Surgery Dates:
- Tuesday 5th March 2013 at Sandgate Library, from 11:30 till 12:30, with PCSO Mark Ball
- Wednesday 13th March 2013 at St Andrews Church, from 10:30 till 11:30, with PCSO Karen Tappenden

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