Labour Keeps the Spirit of Scrooge Alive for Shepway Pensioners

Older people who have worked hard through their lives and put money into pensions for their old age will be penalised by Labour's plans for pensioners, claims Toby Philpott, Shepway Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesman.
In a message to older Shepway residents, Toby Philpott said that the Government's recently announced changes to pension arrangements will leave means testing in place. There will also be a delay before linking state pension rises to the rise in incomes is introduced.
"The potential for a long delay before the state pension earnings link is restored will mean that millions of today's pensioners will gain nothing," said Toby. "And because the state pension will remain at such a low level, there will still be mass means-testing of pensioners undermining incentives to save".
Toby added: "By continuing mass means-testing Labour is keeping the spirit of Scrooge alive for Shepway Pensioners this Christmas".

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