Labour Out Of Race in Shepway Elections

The full list of nominations for the Shepway Council elections have been released, and confirm that only the Liberal Democrats are realistic challengers to the Conservatives across the area, fielding 42 candidates for the 46 District Council seats. With no current councillors anywhere in Shepway and just 11 candidates for the forthcoming district elections, Labour have proved they are no longer in contention in Shepway.
The full list of District Council nominations show the total list if candidates by group as:
- Conservatives 46
- Liberal Democrats 42
- Independent 15
- Shepway Independent Party 14
- "People First" 14
- Labour 11
- UKIP 4
- BNP 2
The full list of nominations are available at the Shepway Council web site are at
For details of the Liberal Democrat candidates for the elections on 3rd May, see

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