Lib Dems back Folkestone Council Tax Cut
Local Lib Dems have backed a CUT in Folkestone Town Council's tax for next year. The move will mean local tax payers will pay slightly less for Folkestone Town Council services than last year. The Liberal Democrats have consistently fought for zero tax increases from Folkestone Town Council.
The budget trimmed the total tax take of the Council but put more money into grants and services, including funding major cleaning projects for the Folkestone War Memorial and Harvey Memorial Statue.
Lib Dem Cheriton Councillor Dhan Gurung is delighted with the move. Dhan says:
"It's been a hard year for many people. Money is tight. It's good that our Town Council is not going to make things harder for local people."
Lib Dem Tom McNeice said:
"The Lib Dems have consistently pushed to keep Folkestone Council Tax down."